It is very interesting to study the obfuscation techniques used by the attackers in malicious PDF docs. As of my previous blog entry, one of the simplest, yet interesting obfuscation technique used is the cascading filtering. This basically means that the malicious JavaScript code is embedded below the multiple layers of encoded stream. In this […]
PDF Stream Filter – Part 1
One of the challenges in analyzing malicious PDF document is stream filtering. Malicious contents in PDF file are usually compressed with stream filtering thus making analysis a bit complicated. In a PDF document , stream object consists of stream dictionary, stream keyword, a sequence of bytes, and endstream keyword. A malicious content inside PDF file […]
FIRST AGM and Annual Conference 2010
The annual FIRST conference provides a setting for conference participants to attend a wide range of presentations delivered by leading experts in both the CSIRT field and from the wider global security community. The conference also creates opportunities for networking, collaboration, and sharing technical information and management practices. Just as importantly, the conference enables attendees […]
Evolution of Phishing Website
Take a look at the following phishing website: Just another phishing website? Think again.. Take a look at the page source body { background-image: url(bg02.jpg); background-repeat: no-repeat; } The phisher is using image instead of HTML. And YES, this technique can bypass DontPhishMe. I’ve worked on new method to solve this problem and now, DontPhishMe […]